Friday, July 30, 2010

Is His Glory and Presence Really THAT Important??


I remember the night I got saved so clearly, well sort of clearly... It was a bit of a mess, including laughing, crying, rolling on the floor and some other stuff BUT I encountered God tangibly and no one was going to tell me otherwise. I got up off the carpet floor on the 3rd or 4th floor of a mates small apartment, having encountered Him personally and intimately for the first time of my life and everything changed.

I didn't feel the need to explain what happened, I didn't need scriptures to back up whether or not it was God and I did not feel ashamed or out of control, it was pure heavenly bliss! We use to meet at a mates home group (Grant Hansen) with a bunch of mates and most times we just spent time in His presence together laughing, prophesying, shaking, worshiping, or whatever else God was up to that night, and we were "addicted". It was only when religion got its filthy hands on me that I needed to "understand" those times or explain them theologically.

Then after a few months or so I got very mature and wanted to be a deacon and plant a church and do all those wonderful church things, but at the expense of true intimacy with Him. It was about 6/7 years of going through the system: going to all services, prayer meetings, sharing at the meetings, getting people saved, eventually going to deacons meetings, then leading a home group and finally becoming a deacon (by then I gave up on being an elder since I didn't want to wait any more years).

(PS - not blaming any church or individuals specifically - just religion that got a hold of me !! Partially my fault and partially the system I found myself in unfortunately)

Then roughly 2 years ago when Annerline Breetzke and Clive Bredenkamp came back from AUS where they had amazing encounters with God. The came back to Durbs and things changed for me again, for the good. They started to meet together at their homes outside of church (because the stuff that went down just would not be allowed at church, and that's the truth) and somehow I stumbled across their times together.

I was bit nervous at first but it didn't take me long because the Spirit in me rejoiced and instantly recognized that God was there it beautiful intimacy. I was a child in His presence again. And yes, I fell over, shook, laughed, cried (often), convulsed in strange ways BUT every night when I went home, I was more and more in love with Him. Through the weeks ahead I was more passionate to reach the lost, more passionate about getting to know Him, more sensitive to religion and man-made traditions and anything that binds up or controls. I was at peace, full of joy, had no fear or man or the future - I was simply fully secure in Him alone...

I was never again really satisfied with many things in church and started asking many questions to God, myself and others. Some thought I was rebellious and other were just challenged because of their own mediocrity. The more you encounter Him personally, the more you will be completely dissatisfied with anything that is mediocre, lacking God's presence or at very least, lacking a desire to see God manifest Himself more, and keeping people controlled and deceived. The very nature of deception means people don't know they are deceived, so feathers are bound to be ruffled.

What I have learnt in the past few months is that I don't have to twist Gods arm or try to convince Him of my righteousness or great effort to make Him respond and reveal His glory to me. I now am starting to realize more and more how God will never do ANYTHING for me EVER again, because Jesus has already done everything on the cross. I never have to ask for favour, blessing or access into His presence or any sort of provision or forgiveness. It has all been done. I just have to believe that its all mine and all past tense completed - I must just make it my reality by changing the way I think.

I want to boldly and unashamedly declare, that I have once again made His presence and His manifest glory my main priority and desire in life. Out of that, all other desires and dreams get fulfilled, and outside of that, nothing will last. I want Him to do anything and everything He needs and wants to for me to experience Him fully, powerfully and intimately like I was created to do. I want to feel the electricity of heaven shooting up and down my body again :)

I want to be like a child in your presence, again...

All I want is you...


  1. It's amazing to read how the thoughts and questions you have been working through over the past while, is exactly what I have been walking through.

    Him being the priority in our lives! And let nothing take that away from us again.

    One question: why didn't we speak about this when you were here with us?!

  2. Wie weet Dirk, wie weet... Better late than never I guess :)

    Ons moet John Whittle gebruik het as ons vuur aanstoker wanneer hy kom kuier het...
